Anderlecht v Manchester City Georges Heylen Testimonial 1970/71


Geoerges Heylens’ Testimonial

18th November 1970

Scorer Nordahl

This was definitely not a ‘friendly’ as the Belgian side, defending for most of the game, took to some fierce tackling to defend their first half lead.
City took the chance to play some of their up and coming ‘stars’, Joe Mercer explaining “If nothing else, these sort of fixtures provide us with the scope and time to experiment. And it was an ideal opportunity to blend young players like Ronnie Healey and Willie Donachie, providing them with vital first team experience.”
Malcolm Allison’s view on the game was; “Perhaps last night’s game at times went beyond the bounds of a friendly, but quite honestly you don’t play these sort of matches any more, especially against foreign opposition when international reputations are at stake.”
For the record the match raised around £5,000 for Georges Heylen.