Manchester City v Sunderland 1969/70

sunderland home 1969-70 prog


League Division 1

4th April 1970

attendance 22,000

Scorer Tueart(65)

Ref Mr D Nippard

City Corrigan, Book, Mann, Doyle, Booth, Oakes, Carrodus, Jeffries, Glennon, Young, Pardoe – used sub Donachie

Sunderland Montgomery, Irwin, Harvey, Todd, Heslop, McGivern, Park, Kerr, Hughes, Harris, Tueart – sub Symm(unused)



Manchester City’s enigmatic tendencies were never more pronounced than in the strangely muddled match from which a troubled and, one felt. embarrassed Sunderland finally emerged with two anti-relegation points as the result of their victory 1-0 at Maine Road.
Clearly Sunderland did not feel they had done enough to earn such a handsome reward. but were grateful, no doubt, for the generous consideration shown by their hosts in a pitifully one-sided first half.
City, given complete freedom in midfield, could not believe their luck. But they could not make any Worthwhile impression on a courageous defence, which was bolstered on two occasions by the stoutness of the crossbar and an upright. shaken but unyielding to efforts by accomplished trio of Lee, Bell, and Summerbee, all nursing injuries.
Some well chosen words during the interval al last goaded Sunderland into a more imaginative, forthright approach thereafter.
Stronger running and greater ambition took the place of hit it and hope tactics. and with City continuing to dlssappoint when In range of a new more open target it was not surprising that a swift counter punch should produce the lnvaluable goal from Tueart. Sunderland’s liveliest raider.
Now of course. Sunderland. for whom the veterans Harris and Irwiin performed conspicuously throughout, will be hoping City will not be as remiss this week in their visits to Cryslal Palace and Southamplon. two other teams fighting a relegation rearguard action. and later Sheffield Wednesday.

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